Does everybody using jqbx have to have spotify
Does everybody using jqbx have to have spotify

does everybody using jqbx have to have spotify

Read your currently playing track This permission is necessary in order for us to control audio playback via the Spotify web API. Read your currently playing track and Spotify Connect devices information This permission is necessary in order for us to pick which device we play audio out of. Access your recently played items This permission is necessary in order for us to control audio playback via the Spotify web API. Access your saved tracks and albums We require access to your library so that you can save individual tracks to your library through the JQBX app. We also require this permission in order to export a room's track history as a playlist. We use those playlists so that you can manage your queue in both Spotify and JQBX. Manage your private playlists When you create an account we create two playlists for you called JQBX :: Queue and JQBX :: Starred. Manage your public playlists When you create an account we create two playlists for you called JQBX :: Queue and JQBX :: Starred. We do this so that its convenient to add tracks from playlists into your queue. Access your collaborative playlists We show all your playlists in the "playlists" tab on the room page. Access your private playlists We show all your playlists in the "playlists" tab on the room page. You can disable this feature on the user settings page. Get your email Address We use your email so that you can recieve alerts when people you follow become a DJ. Only premium members can use JQBX because we need to keep everyone in sync and we can't do that when ads get in the way. Access your subscription details We need to know whether you are a Spotify Premium member or not. All of this information can be changed on the user settings page. If you have a picture, we show that as well. Read your publicly available information We use your public spotify information to generate a username for you when you first log in. KE♻OX) Permissions Get the details on what we need from Spotify and why.

Does everybody using jqbx have to have spotify